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Launch of 2021 OSA Education Program

By Orthopaedics SA
Orthopaedics SA | Orthopaedic Surgeons | Adelaide


Our specialists are committed to sharing their knowledge and for several years, Orthopaedics SA has run an annual education program for GP’s & Allied Health Practitioners. After moving online due to COVID-19 we are excited to reintroduce face to face events.

Last night, Orthopaedics SA was pleased to host General Practitioners from across Adelaide, at a CPD Education event on “Orthopaedics of the Hand and Foot”.  Orthopaedic Surgeons, Dr James McLean and Dr George Dracopoulos, presented information about hand and feet conditions.

Dr McLean is an orthopaedic surgeon specialising in shoulder and upper limb surgery, with a particular interest in joint replacement and minimally-invasive arthroscopic surgery of the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand.  Dr McLean discussed common orthopaedic conditions of the hand and wrist including common conditions affecting the nerves, tendons and joints.  Dr McLean talked through the principles of hand pathology and provided GPs with a framework for investigation.
Dr George Dracopoulos is an orthopaedic surgeon specialising exclusively in foot and ankle problems.  Dr Dracopoulos discussed the treatment of common foot and ankle conditions including bunions (key hole & open surgery), neuromas, plantar fasciitis and ankle sprains.

Orthopaedics SA’s comprehensive Education program features a combination of face-to-face seminars and online webinars in 2021.  For more information on our upcoming events, or to arrange a presentation at your practice, please contact Lara on 8267 8289 or